Thursday, May 30, 2019

the woodcutter

the steady, dull beat
of the woodcutter's ax woke me,
not the cracking of the wood
its cohesion forced from it
crying out, echoing across the yard,
through the frosted window that separates us.
or was i dreaming?

in my dream-like state
i imagined myself to alternately be
the woodcutter
the ax
the stump,
alternately giving, taking, receiving.
i experienced the harmony
as the dull, monotonous thud 
of the woodcutter's ax woke me.
or am i dreaming?


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

the illusion

life takes on a life of its own
becoming so full of itself that
only during the quiet times
does the memory of
and connection to the other side return
where life is rightfully perceived
as illusion
a puff of smoke


Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Dear Adam and Eve

dear adam and eve,
remember that apple you ate?
i have just one question:
was it worth it?
i don't mean to sound ungrateful,
you kind of being my ancestors and all,
and things could be a lot worse
though Lord knows they could be a lot better, too.
don't get me wrong,
it's not as though i haven't disobeyed God before.
i guess i have.
but jeez louise, it didn't have to be this way!
so what's the story?
was it worth it?


Wednesday, May 1, 2019

let me rest

i searched many years to find my soul
and, once found, spent many more years
trying to make peace with it.

i did not climb the mountain
"just because it was there",
or live silently in the woods
trying to find my voice.

i would not have walked this path at all
but that the journey brought me
ever closer to my quest.
and now, finding peace,
let me rest.
