Monday, June 24, 2019


the light at sunrise reached up
to the frost on my window
and, touching it, broke into a hundred pieces
each a different color
each falling to the floor
then moving slowly toward the far wall
in a vain effort at reunification.

by sunset the frost had gone from my window
but i believe it will return by morning,
like the sunrise,
like a lost soul,
as each day becomes
a different colored splinter of life,
each life moving slowly forward
in a vain effort at reunification.


Thursday, June 13, 2019


we observed the obvious.
we studied it,
poked and prodded it,
labeled it.
and, for awhile, we were satisfied
even proud of our achievement.
but a nagging thought
lurked in the deeper reaches
of our collective mind:

maybe there should be more to life
than to understand the obvious...
then we looked to the heavens,
saw the stars,
and began to wonder anew.
